Sigh-sometimes I'm kind and gentle, but alot of times I'm not. . .a relative tells me, "if women ruled the world, there would be no wars!". . .I only have to look into my own heart to confirm my potential for brutal fighting!
I've discovered that sometimes I am not tender because I evaluate a person's situation from my point of view rather than God's-selfishness and pride ensue.
I hesitate to remember the time my dear husband was suffering from kidney stones and my attitude communicated, "you'll be fine, couldn't be that bad. . .I birthed 8 babies, buck up!" I didn't actually say those words, but my relative indifference to his pain and comparing his experience to mine, did not convey gentle tenderness. (now we laugh about it. . . and he is gracious!)
So, our kindness should reflect the legacy of God's kindness to us. I've been praying through Isaiah 40, and I stopped to meditate on God's tenderness:
"Like a shepherd He will tend his flock, in His arm He will gather the lambs, and carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes.". . .that's our mighty, majestic God- gently, tenderly shepherding his flock, tenderly shepherding me!
I can display God's tender kindness with simple thoughtfulness- by being aware of others, focusing on those around me. So, where is my focus? my concern?
a smile to a store clerk, a thankyou to a waitress, an encouraging word or note-all so basic, not costly in time or money but such expressions of kindness require that I focus on others, that I am concerned for their happiness.
Do I show concern for others that says, "I just want you to know I care." Do I listen-really listen to others? . . .such gentle, tender kindness would adorn the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
good post! good thoughts...
I appreciated your gentle kindness this week when you asked if you could babysit so I could have a few hours to myself and run errands. Thank you.
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