Saturday, February 6, 2010

to lighten the load. . .

Kindness is the sincere desire for the happiness of others.
Goodness is kindness in action (deliberate deeds that are helpful to others)-so, kindness and goodness are closely related.
Kind to whom? to all men (even our enemies) especially our closest neighbors -husbands, children, family, co-workers. . .
How do I make all this practical in my life? God predestined our salvation and then He prepared good works for us to do (Eph 2:10)-amazing, really!
I think about Tabitha in Acts 9, a woman of Joppa who was abounding with deeds of kindness and charity, which she continually did.
In the news we hear of sensational acts of kindness- but God created us to do good works within the humdrum of our daily lives, with our families, in our homes, with our church, neighbors; and that describes Tabitha-she devoted her life to doing good in the course of daily living. I don't have to do all the good works in the world, I just have to find the ones which God prepared for me-Soul, be alert to the opportunties!
lately I've been thinking, "how can I simply lighten the load of those God brings my way?"
. . .a worthy pursuit, indeed.

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