So, on Tuesday I gave the talk-kindness is still on my mind, Kind- just one tiny word. . .
Jerry Bridges writes in The Practice of Godliness, "Kindess is the sincere desire for the happiness of others."
hmmm, to desire the happiness of others- to leave a legacy of kindness. . .I typed the phrase into my computer search engine and discovered how all sorts of people are acclaimed for exceptional kindness, people with a myriad of models and motives. So, for me, a Christ follower, what's different? Christians, of all people, should be the most kind, right?
afterall, God himself has left us a legacy of kindness-a legacy of unfailing kindness.
"Love your enemies and do good, for God is kind to his enemies, to ungrateful and evil men (Luke 6:35). . .It's the kindness of God that draws us to repentance (Rom 2:4). . .We were utterly lost and hopeless, but when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us." (Titus 3:3)
So, if we have tasted of the kindness of the Lord, 1 Pet 2:3 (ahh, to think of tasting God's kindness!), having been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God, then we know and continue to experience God's unfailing kindness-imagine that!
About God's legacy of kindness, I want to remember and model:
He is kind to all men, ungrateful, wicked, hopeless, rebellious, without distinction.
His kindness drew us to himself, drew us close.
God's kindness compelled action-He saved us!
Enough for one post-but there's more. . .
Mrs. Newton,
thank you so much for posting this! I really needed to hear this! :) Hope you had a wonderful Lord's day! Love you!
I struggle to be be kind, mom. I am certainly polite and self controlled . . . .but I want to go beyond that; I know that kindness is something deeper. anyways; thanks for posting on this; I am looking forward to reading future posts on this issue.
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