Monday, November 1, 2010

washing up. . .and notes on hospitality

After the pleasure of house guests, there's plenty of washing up-sheets, towels, pie plates, cake pans, coffee pots (mmm, can a woman have too many coffee pots?), but you know, I like laundry, and it's good to be home, working.Sometimes I think my hospitality efforts are a bit clumsy-(or maybe I just compare what I have to offer with another woman whose home is better equipped for gracious entertaining??) Clumsy or not, I love the opportunity- besides, God tells me, Be hospitable!
So-here's what I do:

1. I invite lots of folks over during the fall and spring when it's neither scorching or freezing at 2305; I serve soup in the winter and salad and ice cream in the summer.

2. I put guests to work- "Slice the tomatoes or wash the dishes however you choose", I tell them.
Recently I came home from a round of errands and discovered our new friend, Sara, in the kitchen stirring a pot of chocolate ganache for the wedding cake. Good! Naomi and Jamey gave Sara a job-stirring, not too hard, one can talk and stir. . . such a nice wedding week memory.

3. I'm okay with what falls through the cracks-"Mom, that's what makes your hospitality work!"
I'm grateful for my girl's assurance. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the personal insights into hospitality. Your blog is an ongoing source of encouragement and inspiration to me.