Thursday, January 20, 2011

to the snow. . .

So, I'm getting on another plane (with a small book in my bag) -this time I'm heading East, to New York and snow. . .me, a California/Texas girl in New York in January, imagine that?
I can't wait-Abigail and Nathaniel are there-and baby.
I'm packing some gender neutral things for him? or her?
And I wonder. . .brown eyes and rosey cheeks like Abi? or blue eyes and freckles like Nathaniel?
Ahh-this little one, created in the image of the Great Creator.


Dre Legit said...

awwww. :))))))

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear the news! Praying for all of you and your time together!

A big hug to you,

Jane said...

oh how precious!!! Rejoicing with you all!