Rachel and Abigail make bread up north in the chill of winter; Where's the best spot in your house for rising bread? I ask.
From frigid Indiana, Rachel says,"Upstairs in Brett's study, under the desk, in front of the heater vent." Imagine that?And yesterday at Abi's house in upstate New York, I made bread -while snow fell steadily outside the kitchen window. Where to rise the dough? ". . . on the white chair, in the dining room, in front of the heat register", she instructed-good job.
We do it differently in Texas.
We place ours on the back of the pellet stove.
Making pizza dough soon...for supper.
I love it. I rise mine (when I make it) on my table in from of the sunny window...
on the floor under the radiator by the kitchen window for regular. On top of the pre-heated oven (the warmed stove top) for gluten free. :)
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