Thursday, June 2, 2011

what we do together (I held the screwdriver)

Growing up, I never remember our cars breaking down. . . I'm sure they did, but my father always sent our vehicles off to the shop for maintanance and repair.
Then I got married; during that first year of marriage my husband replaced the engine in our orange Fiat-and so goes our life for 39 years . . .
Sometimes there's a little drama, some stress, frustration-you know, car repairs can be unperdictable (all creation groans, right? even the mechanical part.)

So, we're getting ready for a big summer road trip; the VW's timing belt needed replacing.
John asked me, "This time would you like me to send the car to a shop?"
hmmm, no. . .(I thought of the money we could pour into our diesel tank rather than into the pocket of a mechanic.)
So, Monday was the day-my husband was energized.
Francis, our good friend, was right by his side the whole way, well almost- a 5 hour job turned into 12 hours. . .
I'm married to a hopeful man.
He came inside, ate 2 chocolate cookies, "I'm taking a break to pray," he said. (me too)
Then he narrated the situation-I listened. . .back on the job, he called me out to the garage, to hold the screwdriver.
That night Francis called, "How's it progressing?"
Great! Darcie held the screwdriver. . . (but really, listening helps every time)


Denise said...

Your precious ability to narrate life always makes me smile. It also makes a 12 hour car repair job seem like a lovely undertaking. :)

Kelly said...

I love that role. Encourager, cheerleader, and screwdriver-holder. This reminds me of when we were first married, must have been in the first year because we had no babies with us, it was 11pm and I was holding the tools while my husband replaced the alternator of our 1988 Camry with 280k miles on it... in an empty shopping center parking lot. Because that's where she'd given up. Little did I know it was training for the many automotive mishaps in the years to come, but I was so very, very proud of my husband that night. I love that you two are still doing it this way, together. Such a sweet picture.