Wednesday, June 8, 2011

a cup and a memory

On a shopping venture with my girls, I spied this lovely cup-perfect in every way. A week later with birthday money in hand, I went back to the store and bought it-a gift to self!

And so Gabrielle was at my house one day. . ."When did you get this one?" she asked.

" I wanted to buy you the matching tea pot, but when I went back to the store, it was gone!"

hmm, I like to think about that little scenario.

The cup handle is missing, yep, broke off. . .still lovely in every way.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Such a sweet story! You have precious daughters, Darcie. And I have several cups without handles as well! Instead of trying to glue them back on if they are too bad, Tim takes them out to the shop and smooths off the rough edges of where the handle used to be, and then I have a grasping mug to keep my hands warm! It is kind of nice. And fun to be the same as you!