Friday, June 10, 2011

one about my heart-and ministry

John's school year ended yesterday-sigh, and I just took him to the airport; he'll be in California for 12 days. And I'll be home in Texas. . . reading, writing, creating, cleaning, visiting, serving, drinking cold coffee, eating toast and jam (and maybe blue cheese!) When I go away, John doesn't sleep-when he goes away. . .I plan too much (and miss him).

Serving. . . lots of opportunities for me in that arena lately; I'm thankful.

However, the other day I remembered words of a wise man: ministry can be messy. . .and words of the Master,

For whoever wishes to save his life shall loose it, but whoever looses his life for my sake, he is the one who will save it. (Lk 9:24)

So, that day ministry was messy-and unfulfilling and frustrating and exhausting. . . hmmm, seems I'm content and challenged in all things noble as long as loosing my life is going my own way. . .whoever looses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it. (And He convicts, He always does. . .)

Home again, I found an unexpected note from a new friend, and a suprise phone call from far away. . . inspite of myself, He always encourages-while John's away, I'll send a few notes, make a few calls. . . loose my life, examine my heart.

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