My good friend, Cameron, has been visiting.
She came from Missouri on business. . . we've had our own business going on.
you see, Cameron bravely offered to help organize my kitchen-she's really good at that.
Darcie, it's all about centers. . . okay, I believe you.
So, we emptied my entire kitchen into the dinning room-(my husband said, Scarey!)
Over 20 years, Cameon and I have weathered a lot of life-and now my kitchen. . .
she wasn't put off by my dust and disorder-(or the 2 dried up cockroaches in the corner cupboard) and I was okay with it. . .good friends.
We worked 2 days and just about finished the job; while I was wearing down and itchy to move on, Cameron seemed energized by my kitchen challenge.
It's like this. . .I would skip lunch to write something (or talk) and my friend would skip lunch to organize something, imagine that?
mmmm, now my kitchen has a drink center. . .drop by sometime and see.
(thanks old friend)