Sunday, June 28, 2009

a good book in my bag

Tomorrow I'm going to Caroline's house for a haircut; I think I'll take this book along in my bag to read to her little ones-The 4th of July Story by Alice Dalgliesh; first published in 1956, the book is intended for ages 5 to 9, however those younger will enjoy listening and those older will certainly enjoy reading it! Colorful, full page illustrations accompany the text. I like the author's note in the preface:

The story of the birthday of our country is a big story to tell young children. Yet when they begin to ask, "Why do we have a holiday on the Fourth of July"? they have a right to know. They have a right to know that Independence Day is something more than fireworks and picnics. . .

You should be able to find this book at the public library and for purchase through Amazon; also. . . .we love The Courage of Sarah Noble by the same author!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I have to tell you that you always make me feel a little "ashamed" every time you post one of these books here when I find my favorite stash of books containing "The Monster at the End of this Book!" :) I think, I will post that for my next Friday Funny! :)