Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Mountain Laurel are blooming in my yard, lovely purple blossoms with the scent of grape koolaide- and the Purple Martin are returning to Texas.
Maybe some of those sweet birds will nest at our place this spring. John lowered the house, cleaned out all the trashy sparrow nests, sprayed it with a double coat of white paint and added some perches. So-we've extended the invitation. . .
House projects elude John and me these days; I think we can handle bird house renovation.

I use to read through Proverbs every month with my children, and in the margins of my tattered Bible their names are penned beside favorite verses.
A few months ago I decided to fit Proverbs into my daily Bible reading plan- a worthy pursuit for me.
It is better to live in a corner of a housetop then in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife. (Prov 21:9)
It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.
(Prov 21:19)
So-it's preferable for a husband to live out in a desert or on the corner of a roof than inside his house with a quarrelsome wife. . .two verses give the same warning in the same chapter, imagine that?
Quarrelsome: inclined to quarrel, disagree; beligerant
Does quarrelsome define me? Am I ever quarrelsome? Sadly, sometimes I am. . .
And even this morning I remembered that a fretful heart and mind lead to quarreling.
hmm, I need a diet of Proverbs in the morning.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Love it. A great bird story and wonderful encouragement in the Word. Thanks, Darcie!