Friday, April 1, 2011

parsley, sage, rosemary, and. . .

One day this week I met an old friend- we strolled the grounds of the art museum and ate lunch at Twin Sisters-a favorite spot, crowded, noisey. . .

"I like the hum!" said my friend.

So there amid the buzz, we ate soup-talked, encouraged, challenged. . .until there was no longer any buzz in that place. My old friend-really, she's not old, but our friendship has been long, and we're growing older. . . nice, I think. from my yard in the morning, I cut her a bouquet-Parsley, Sage, Rosemary. . .sorry, no Thyme!

"How appropriate," she said, "Always so little time!"


Dawn said...

Sounds like a perfect lunch with a friend.
Happy for you.

naomi said...

. . . when the visits stay till after the hum - - those are the best kind . . .