Thursday, October 21, 2010

random reminders

Certainly- the week of a girl's wedding, her mother's thoughts and actions should be deliberate, purposeful-not random.
I'm reminding myself today, purposeful not random. . .Darcie, don't get distracted!
Good-since yesterday I punctuated a thought with a random gesture which sent my hot tea flying off the table, splattering the wall and floor at Starbucks, Sigh. . .
Still there are random thoughts and some are nice. . .
Clean bathrooms-hmmm, the sweet girl who came home and did the scrubbing because she noticed and wanted to. . .
White pumpkins-grouped beside the sewing table- a white dress on the table, white pumpkins beside it (both for the wedding)- lovely. . .and Julia (in her silver shoes) lugging white pumpkins-part of the team.
Red soccer shoes- Julia marched in, "Why are Uncle Nathaniel's shoes here?" Ah, yes, Nathaniel's red soccer shoes, left behind in July, on purpose, the shoes and the ball didn't fit in the suitcase. Julia remembered and she's waiting for her uncle. . .
And tonight, late, we'll pick up Abi and Nathaniel at the airport-the last of our children to arrive for the occasion.
Ahh. . .random reminders of a memorable week.

1 comment:

Heather Pelczar said...

Is it already here?!!! Oh how happy I am for it! Hug your whole family from us, please Darcie!!!!