Tuesday, October 19, 2010

a big occasion and a small black machine

For the past 38 years my little black Singer has labored faithfully.
I used it to sew my wedding dress, then little dresses with pinafores, formal dinner dresses, recital dresses, quilts, skirts. . .then Naomi's wedding dress.
I've hemmed and mended. . .snug in its little case, my machine went to Mexico and came back to Texas with me; John has cleaned, oiled, and repaired it-
My little Singer isn't fancy, no zig-zag or button holes, but always trusty, the stitches are always even; it runs forward and backward.
And that's good enough for me.
Now Rachel is sewing her wedding dress on my Singer. (ah those french seams!)
It's almost finished. . .


Unknown said...

such beautiful dresses ...can't wait to see this one :)...but until then we'll have fun doing all the next things getting ready!! wrapping presents and shopping for baking supplies is on my list today

Heather Pelczar said...

Rachel is amazing!!! I can still picture in my mind the dress he made to wear in our wedding with those beautiful and even pin-tucks around the waist. I am posotive this dress will be a dress to remember- made on your little singer. :) What a wonderful way you have of sharing sweet memories.