Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My sweet friend is expecting her second baby in  few weeks- then the United States Navy will send my friend and her family on an adventure far far from Texas.

So-I'm thinking of everything I want to tell her before baby and the move and Aye! time flies.
About mothering, I'll tell her, Aim at the heart!

It seems that our children's behavior is ever before us; we're tempted to target behavior- to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. But we're not behaviorists -and our children will never come to Jesus unless they recognize the sin sickness in their own hearts.

Watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flow the springs of life (Prov 4:32)

Mothers watch over their children's hearts by probing. . .just a loving probe!
"When you hit your brother, what were you wanting?"

 While my children were growing up, I didn't always aim at their hearts. . .
Thinking about it, a cloud of regret engulfed me, the super charged feeling that sometimes over shadows mothers of grown children.
So-in the midst of my sober reflection, my  youngest called-  she talked to me about behavior issue going on with a child she supervises.
"I need to address his behavior, but like you would tell us, the real issue is in his heart."

"Yah, you're right, and you remember?"

Then I thanked my youngest for a small memory- a seed of  encouragement.

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