Wednesday, August 15, 2012

in Mexico with the church

On our first Sunday in Mexico Joshua and Naomi took us to worship with a church that meets in a theater in the center of a park. 
So, leaving their apartment, we walked 20 minutes in the neighborhood to  the metro station, boarded and rode the metro for 20 minutes, and took a 10 minute taxi ride to the meeting.
At the entrance to the park we bought tamales from a man with a little cart, tying up the plastic bag to keep in the steam. . . first the church meeting, later tamales, I thought.
Then we were with the saints- and I knew that to be part of the Savior's church is the sweetest gift-no matter the physical location.
And after the formal meeting we stood around outside and talked with the church--just like at home in Texas.
I met a dear woman; her son is the pastor of the church. She told me how she came to know Jesus and I told her that it must be the richest blessing to listen to her son preach from God's Word each week.
From her orange bag, my friend pulled out little cups of gelatin and plastic spoons. Naomi bought one for Selma, who gobbled it up, sharing bites with her brothers-nuts on the bottom, gelatin in the middle, crushed chocolate cookies on top.  Finally we opened up the plastic bag full of tamales-no longer steamy, but warm-and good.
Then -taxi, metro, walk. . .we traveled home through the city.

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