Friday, August 24, 2012

visiting old friends. . .

 When we moved to the house in Cuautempan 33 years ago, Felicities was my closest neighbor; after the corn harvest in the fall, I could see the smoke floating up from the cooking fire in her kitchen.
An ancient loom filled the main room of her house-and that's where Felicities did her work, weaving wool blankets and jackets with distinct patterns, earning enough to feed her children.
From the first day we met, I knew that Felicities loved Jesus and his church.
Some mornings when I home schooled Rachel and Luke, my younger 2 would trot down the hill to straddle the beams of the loom while Felicities did her work.
So-on this trip, after 20 years, I wondered if my dear friend would be there, still?
 She was there-and a faithful Christ follower, still.


menewton said...

loving all these stories of individual people from the past. i wonder what it was like to say goodbye to them 20 years ago. i wonder if you wondered if you'd ever see them again?

Tom n Teri said...

What a wonderful reunion for you and john to see those people after 20 years. I remember Felecitas. Isn't she the one who Naomi would run down the hill to visit and to spend the night with?