Monday, August 20, 2012

Thursday is still market day. . .

So. . .What should I expect?  I wondered, as we set off from Mexico City to the mountains of Puebla.  Naomi and Joshua had planned a 5 day trip to visit places and people we hadn't seen in 20 years.
Expect change. . .I told myself.
"Do you remember what day of the week is Market Day in Cuautempan?" John asked.
"Thursday. . .it was always Thursday." I answered.
So, on Thursday we drove from Tetela to Cuautempan-the windy mountain road etched in my brain is paved now. . .no more mud, nor huge pot holes, nor threatening rock slides; there's a rail hedging in the cliffs.
expect amazing change.
Thursday is still market day in beautiful Cuautempan.  We entered the colorful throng and a voice called out - an old friend, a brother in Christ.
It was Fernando - he remembered us.


Anonymous said...

I'm loving this series of posts. Well, I actually love all your posts. Thank-you for taking the time to share :)

Rachel said...

i smiled at the title of your post: i had wanted to ask you -- "is it still on Thursday???" -- when you told me about going to market day.

remind me/us who hermano fernando is??? i remember his name but not his story...