Wednesday, September 21, 2011

good grammar

The other evening John and I drove our grandaughters home from an event, "Tell me about school." I asked.
"Grammar is hard!" Amaleah said.
"Oh, no, grammar is good (I love grammar). . . tell me what you're learning." I said.
"You know, about sentences- declarative, interrogative, imperative- and we're suppose to replace weak verbs with strong verbs. . ."
"Sounds good, no whimpy verbs allowed." I said.
The next morning I read Psalm 28, "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart exults."
Listen sweet grandaughter, My heart trusts in Him, therefore my heart exults. . .
declarative sentence, strong verb-


Abigail said...

a good practical - edifying! - grammar lesson!

hmmm, though - I seem to remember having similar conversations with you about grammar when I was Amaleah's age.

Unknown said...

she's actually really good at grammar, that girl! those school friends must be influencing her...just kidding. and, might I add, that's a gorgeous picture of my little girl.