Wednesday, June 23, 2010

to carry. . .

A few weeks ago I was back to closet cleaning-this time the ball closet, which contains a lot more than balls; on the top top shelf I discovered a surpise-my green cordoroy baby carrier. . . and the blue baby backpack.
Why, Oh, Why? my youngest is 21, you know.
I'm remembering. . . how we loved to carry our little ones-in the front and on the back, years and years of carrying them.
and now they walk-run-dance. . . and live across the ocean.
Last week we made a family trip to the zoo-16 of us, and I noted (with pleasure!) how the next generation is being carried. . .
to carry-3 years ago, as Alzheimer's stole away my father's body and mind, I prayed that God would carry him, "Even to your old age I shall be the same, and even to your graying years I will carry you! I have done it, and I shall carry you; And I shall bear you and I shall deliver you." (Isa 46:4)
And God did-


Dawn said...

I had a handmade carrier made from a La Leche League design...using old jeans and lots of embroidery! (Such a throw back, yes?)

My mother left this earth three years ago 5/31...after the long goodbye that is Alzheimer's...into the presence of the LORD.

Unknown said...

I love the way he's holding onto my shirt for dear life...I carry him with pleasure too!

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

Ah, I love carrying my little man! From day one! Just bought a new carrier cuase he's kinda to big for my sling! And we both LOVE it! sigh... I love being a mommy!