Monday, September 22, 2014

bits and pieces

I'm a sweater girl who lives in south Texas. Surely, cooler days are on the doorstep, so today I sewed up  a hole in the elbow of my favorite sweater- then I hung it up,. . .

On Monday John visited the school district office and then over our 2 plate dinner we talked about the new pieces in the retirement puzzle; we submit and receive papers one by one. Retirement officially begins January 29, 2015.
"They say the benefit package is good." he shares.
"What's that mean?" I wonder.

Hmmm, we're not quite sure- there's so many details to work out; the pieces are adding up, creating a portrait of retirement.

I have set the Lord continually before me, because He is at my right hand, 
I will not be shaken. (Psalm 16:8) 

Crashing woke me in the wee hours of the morning--then silence and I wondered if I'd dreamed it? But in the morning while sweeping, I saw it. . .pieces of a terra-cotta plate piled on the table.
Many years ago when my kids were quite little and we lived in the mountains of Mexico, we would come to the city to shop and sometimes purchased items in an artisan place in the heart of Puebla. And that's when I selected 4 rustic clay plates, different sizes, the colors and scenes of the Mexico I love.
So, last week the largest one fell off the wall, ending up in a pile of chunks, shards, and dust.
Was it valuable? Oh no--only in memories. The collection of 4 plates has hung like that on the wall of all our homes for 35 years- in our adobe houses in Cuautempan and Aquixtla and in Texas forever, so it seems.

"I heard the plate crash down in the night." I commented to my husband.
"I picked up the pieces, collected them incase you want me to glue it together."
Glue it together?  that's my husband, he's been gluing together pieces in my life for 42 years.

No, but thanks- we're moving on, piece by piece and the Lord makes all things beautiful in His time.


Unknown said...

aww, so sad about the plate. the memories are still there, but it does add some sadness to closing those chapters.

naomi said...

I always try to glue things together too! It must be the Papi side of me!