Saturday, January 18, 2014

worthy pursuits- 2104

My sweet grand daughter, Adalyn, operates in 5th gear. . . and sometimes she crashes.
I can almost detect her breathing outside my bedroom door in the morning. . .she's just waiting for me, waiting for the day- she greets me with 10 decibels and if the trash man has already made his morning rounds, she shouts with glee, "I got 2 honks and a wave!"
If she doesn't offer first, I always request her little song,  "Good morning, God, this is your day, I am your child, show me the way."

mmm, I see Adalyn in me. . .
Eager for a new day, I operate in high gear and sometimes I crash- like one day  last week.
It wasn't the 2 planned coffees or the 3 unplanned  phone conversations, not really.
But I forgot- God, this is your day, show me the way. 

Soul,  in 2014, in all your worthy pursuits, Remember-

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, 
in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight. (Proverbs 3)


Unknown said...

You'll have to teach me the time to that song, please. :)

Unknown said...

Tune, not time