Thursday, October 17, 2013

debt of love

Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another. . .Rom 13:8
I've been thinking a lot about what it means to pay the debt of love I owe to my enemies, neighbors, family. . .
Last week I took a meal to a family with a new baby-a young family with 4 children, 5 years old and younger- just like my family 30 years ago.
The memories blur, sepia with cracked edges in the album of my mind.

"How did you handle contention among siblings?" they inquired.
"Oh, so your children fight? imagine that?" I said.

 I attempted a thoughtful answer and we talked on while I cradled the sleeping newborn.
 Mainly we talked about living out the gospel in our families- it was good.
But I forgot to tell them that the pursuit of peace never ends- we work  to keep away from strife, to prefer others, to pay the debt of love we owe, again and again, year after year, siblings and parents too.

I told my young friends that brothers and sisters grow up- and sometimes they actually choose to live together, to serve and enjoy one another.
my girls have a sweet story about a ceramic cake stand and a sister surprise.

 I'd blog the story, but it's theirs to tell. . . (hint hint)


Dawn said...

You have such a unique ministry, Darcie.
Thankful you are willing to share with many.
Blessings on you, dear.

Unknown said...

I love this picture!!!!

Tom n Teri said...

Mercy looks like a young Darcie in this picture. I remember when your hair was long like that.