Tuesday, October 30, 2012

one about work

Today I'm at home doing my over and over again work; I've noticed that when I go away and come back home, the work waits - and sometimes the work multiplies.

 Neil and Carol Anderson lived and worked among the Folopa people of Papua New Guinea. They invested 20 years recording the Folopa language and translating the Scriptures. I love reading their story, In Search of the Source.

"The ground will produce thorns. . .by the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread." (Genesis 3:19)
By the sweat of your brow?. . . the Folopa language helpers were perplexed, related to work these words meant nothing; the Folopa don't associate sweat with work- in the tropics one sweats just sitting.

However, the Folopa  understood the curse, clearing the ground for gardens, fighting back the jungle-  
We have to keep at it. . .sweet potatoes, yams, taro, don't grow by themselves-muscles stretch, teeth clench, throats grunt, digging heaving, hauling, we burst our stomachs. . .

So Neil Anderson translated Genesis 3:19 and the Folopa understood, "No longer will your food just come up by itself, but by bursting your stomachs you will do your work. . ."

And me? well, sometimes I work by the sweat of my brow- but not often, nor do I burst my stomach with work (except in childbirth). But I know the futility of work in a world broken by sin and long for the day when our King will make all things new. . .
So- I keep at it, fighting back the jungle (my old house), fighting back the resistance of my flesh.
 and sometimes I wonder, Why is it pleasant to do work at your house and not so to work at my own? 

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