Saturday, March 31, 2012

just one day. . .

I've been thinking about my week full of people-it takes my breath away. One morning I read Psalm 118, "The loving kindness of the Lord is everlasting, let the redeemed of the Lord say so, let those who fear the Lord say. . ."
I need to say it out loud, tell somebody face to face.
I munched toast in the kitchen while Ralph washed his dishes.
"Sister Darcie, you've got a pile of dishes here but not much food," he laughed.
"I cooked dinner last night but you weren't around to eat it!" I said.
The loving kindness of the Lord is everlasting, Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
Mercy called from college. I heard the traffic at the bus stop-I heard her voice smiling.
Let those who fear the lord say, his loving kindness is ever lasting.
After lunch I visited Erika; bright pink curtains hang in her tidy apartment-I love the rosy glow.
And this girl had questions all lined up, ready to go-good questions. I talked and Erika refilled my glass, half ice tea, half lemonade.
Let the redeemed of the Lord
say the loving kindness of the Lord is everlasting.
Next I drove around the corner to a fast food place and ordered more lemonade. I sat at a green metal table under an oak tree and called Amy in Michigan.
"How does it look and what does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth?"Her questions were so deliberate, so earnest. . .
Then at 5 p.m. I drove home through city traffic. John was mowing the backyard jungle.
"Let's go out for tacos" I said. "I'll tell you about the people in my day and you tell me about the people in your day!"
hmm. . .just one day in my lovely week.
The loving kindness of the Lord is everlasting, let the redeemed of the Lord say so.

1 comment:

Denise said...

A lovely day indeed!