Sunday, September 20, 2009

knitting blue

So, I'm knitting blue these days-lots of little boys (and their mothers) in my life. Here's a blue sweater I worked on during the summer road trip . I wasn't sure if there would be enough blue yarn (Classic Elite 50% cotton 50% microfiber), so I added white sleeve stripes-I like it!

baby Aaron is the sweet recipient of the blue and white sweater-he was born in January, weighing 1 lb. 15 oz.-keep growing little man; soon the weather will be cool enough and you'll be big enough to actually wear the sweater!
Aaron's mom, Kate, and I have almost finished our study of Trusting God by Jerry Bridges.
Kate and I are growing too. . .

1 comment:

Rachel said...

look at that huge grin -- I think Aaron likes it too : ) and no wonder: the color perfectly matches his eyes (and no, it's never too early to start thinking about such things!)