Thursday, July 16, 2009

times of refreshment

The interview question in the local newspaper read, If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be? the answers were exotic: the Bahamas. . .New York City. . .some place foreign and exciting. . .any place tropical and warm. . .

And I've been asking myself- What exactly is a vacation anyway? (since I guess I'm on one!)

well, vacation is not a particular place. . .but it is a change in normal routine-I think. . .
So, we were visiting the Turners in Las Vegas, and I asked Gwennan the vacation question-
". . . a time of refreshment!" she said.

hmmm, that's really good. . .and despite the 104 degrees in Las Vegas, time with the Turner family was indeed refreshing.
And it continues to be just that at every stop on this trip.
Let me benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in Christ (Philem 20)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

How fun to see an updated picture of the Turner family!! Hope you are continuing to enjoy your "vacation."