I asked Abigail the question, ". . .Nathaniel likes his food hot", she said (unlike the Newtons who like food spicey hot, but like pizza hot out of the oven!)
So, traveling on this road trip with John for 4 1/2 weeks reminds me of the many things I love about this man and also the things about us that are different.
For instance-he relishes a hearty breakfast, but please-just give me toast and jam with coffee.
As for driving- he loves the windy steep roads along the Mendicino Coast-roads like a rollercoaster, but not me; I ask him, "Is this fun for you?". . . he just smiles.
And as we get weary of the road routine, I notice this itch. . .I get itchy to write-searching for pen and notebook, pulling out the lap top. . .and he gets itcy to ride, to get his bicycle off the car and onto the ground.
Ah, it's good; I remind myself to delight in our differences. . .and then there's the opportunity to practice forbearance, right?
Walk in a worthy manner. . .with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to oneanother in love. . . (Eph 4:2)