Wednesday, March 12, 2014

drinking hot tea. . .


 I visit  my New York family in the winter and  drink hot tea, and always there is afternoon tea time at 4:00 -
a proper cup of tea, ginger biscuits, and a snuggle with baby Eleanor Darcie.
 (who arrived soon after that hike up a snowy hill)

This amazing snow. . . white, white, crunchy and hush. 
"Gran, you don't walk under the dangerous icicles, that's the rule! " Florence warns me. 
 (Indeed, icicles like daggers!)

I remember like a dream - bringing Eleanor's mother home to a place nestled at the end of a canyon in the mountains where the fog rolled in, right up to the door. And there the fog lurked thick, peering in windows for an entire week. And then one day the fog would retreat up the canyon and the sun would shine new and bright and cheerful (and the diapers would dry).

Today in the northlands snow is falling fast- soon it will be tea time. 


Dawn said...

I have been watching for this post. Eleanor Darcie! Welcome, little one!
Oh, to have a grandchild named after me. I would be speechless. Not expecting it tp ever happen. It does not "go" with the modern names chosen today.
Enjoy the time snuggling with your precious ones.
Stay warm.
We are getting the last blast of winter here…at least I am hoping that it is so.
D xo

Unknown said...

we know nothing of dangerous icicles!