Friday, February 8, 2013

undefined discipleship. . .

I constantly inspect the curve of the fig vine creeping up the cement wall of my house-
tiny leaves frame the window panes; mentally I measure the growth and  I wonder,  
when will the tendrils reach the roof?
Spiritual growth is like that. . .

This spring I'm involved in discipleship training-
Aye, how do I define this thing that I do. . .that I love to do?
Here's the heart of the matter clearly defined:

So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only
 the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.
 (1 Thess 2:8)

Maybe I'm struggling to lay out the steps because there are no steps-for me.
but I can't just call it "undefined discipleship". . .
hmmm, a worthy pursuit and I'm not finished yet.
(and there's more. . .


Denise said...

I am always encouraged to read through your so wonderfully penned (or typed, as the case may be) words. And I look forward to hearing "the more"...

Mercy Newton said...

but i think you can call it "undefined discipleship". you should. it sounds like the perfect description for what you do so well.

you and i know that real discipleship is messy (yes!) and so to put a neatly defined name to it wouldn't do it justice.