Tuesday, November 20, 2012

celebrating with pie

Last week I drove to west Texas to visit Mercy for her 24th birthday (she's the baby).
Sky and dirt are different in the Panhandle- enormous clouds hovering over the orange, pink sunset and fields of cotton bolls dangling from plant skeletons .
I was tempted to stop, to pull out my  camera -that's what I do when John and I travel together.
The dusk was exquisite-but this time I was alone, driving through the Panhandle.

So, Mercy hosted a dessert party for her friends; I made carrot cake with cream cheese frosting like she remembers. . .
Mercy also remembers eating pumpkin pie for breakfast.
Mom, will you make a pumpkin pie? of course.
You'll cut the pumpkin and cook it up like I remember? she asked.
 I told Mercy that now I make pie with canned pumpkin-it's delicious.
So, I made the pie- and Mercy put little pieces in white boxes for her guests to take home to eat for breakfast, just like she remembers.
I had a wonderful visit with my girl.  Then I came home and cut up a pumpkin . . .beautiful


Elliott said...
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Denise said...

Sounds like a lovely visit! :)