Wednesday, October 8, 2008

a peek into my blue backpack. ..

Since I've broken the straps on two respectable looking book bags, I now routinely carry an old blue packpack everywhere I go. I found it in the closet of one of my children's empty rooms. Recently a friend commented, "Darcie, that backpack is as big as you are!" She's right and it's also about as old. . . .however it's such a roomy satchel and handily holds the treasures and resources for my weeks study and work; also the straps are plenty strong to bare the weight. I'll unzip the three sections, and you can take a peek. . . actually it's quite a jumble.

Trusting God (Jerry Bridges), Shepherding a Child's Heart (Tedd Tripp), Teach Them Diligently (Lou Priolo) crowd together in the deep section of my bag-wonderful resources which guided my meetings yesterday and today- next, tucked in the middle section you'll find: The Gospel Primer for Christians (Milton Vincent) and Living the Cross Centered life (C.J. Mahaney). This month I'm enjoying these two for personal study. Attributes of God (A.W. Pink), always a worthy read when waiting at the tire repair shop or the like, occupies the front section, along with Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety (Elyse Fitzpatrick)- a valuable resource for my every Monday meeting; aswell, I can't help but carry around a new favorite: Faithful Women and their Extraordinary God (Noel Piper) (Ah, to be so faithful and indeed, my God is extraordinary!). My backpack also contains an arsenal of writing utensils, a small pink knitting project, a composition book, my lovely blue & brown journal and tattered Bible. . .still more tattered as of yesterday's tumble off a table-hmmm. . . my worn Bible, a priceless treasure.

So, each time I arrive at the airport with the blue backpack, I vow to acquire something new, more respectable looking, for the next trip-yet still, this backpack carries a wealth of worthy pursuits, wouldn't you agree?


Unknown said...

This is good. You do pursue such worthy things. I wish my bag looked that way. Unfortunately, it's more like: a wallet, checkbook, lipstick, crayons, buddy-bucks, extra pair of panties (not for me...), wipes, goldfish, not necessarily in the bag, sunglasses, keys, etc...but no good books. Someday!

Denise said...

I am so glad that I found out you are blogging... I think a group of us mentioned how we would love to read what you narrate from life - thank you for the glimpse into your heart!

I actually try to keep Shepherding or Teach Them Diligently with me where ever I end up so I can pick up and read it in little moments... as well I have my "purse Bible" (recently replaced after it swelled to 3x its size after a full bottle of Gatorade collided with it)...

Like Gabby, my purse is more characterized by the things needed by the short people versus my personal articles! A current knitting project always seems to don the dashboard of my car and probably gets grabbed and taken along more times than any progress is made. But one day when the kiddos and I go somewhere they will all sit quietly, not provoking each other or running into traffic and I will be prepared to knit a row... someday!

Thank you for the reminder to keep after worthy pursuits!

Kelly said...

A peek into your blue "pack pack" as it would be so dearly coined in our home and one definitely as big as YOU are (teehee) reveals so much of your life and your ministry, Darcie. How thankful I am for your worthy pursuits as you so faithfully invest in the lives of so many others with such a breath and depth of biblical counsel.

Dawn said...

You make me smile, dear Darcie.
What wonderful books!
How does one so small in stature carry such a load?
Praise God for the unique opportunities He has given you to minister to women!!

Z&L's mom,

darcie said...

Ladies,you encourage me-I love what you share. On Sunday a kind person handed me a respectable book bag-it's new and I'll try it for awhile, although it has those skinny handles!

Unknown said...


That was some of the best insight I have had into a godly woman's life in a while...I will read this blog frequently to be able to hear wisdom and seek truth...looking forward to catching up again soon. Thank you for sharing...

Blessings, Amy