Sunday, April 27, 2014

gratitude is good for me

Here's what's been going on at my house this week . . . and now they're off, home to Mexico City.
Can I tell you that my grandchildren have changed in 9 months? Josu reads smoothly in English, Selma has the sweetest sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks, and Malachai- soon he'll turn 11!
The visit seemed short- but everything about life seems short these days.
 I remember that  gratitude is good for me. . .

Like so much of life, what I do with gratitude depends on who or what I worship. . .

"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, I will recount all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exalt in you. I will sing praise to your name, O most High." (Psalm 9:1-2)

I love how the Psalmist gives clear context to gratitude - God himself is the object of authentic gratitude, He is the Giver!  Christians worship the Giver who gives meaning to human existence.

"God who made the world and everything in it. . .He gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." (Acts 17:25)
He gives life- He gives breath- He gives everything-  He gives to all mankind.
I've been reminding myself, "Heart, God is a good Giver, He is the giver of every good gift!" (James 1:17)

"Be careful how you walk. . .always giving thanks for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus."(Eph 5)
What God tells me to do always is his moral will for me, and since God's will for his children is always best, gratitude is good for me- like a cheerful heart is good medicine!

 Have you ever noticed how gratitude gives hope, drawing us close to the throne of God; one writer says it like this, "Gratitude puts us in God's living room!"
 I like to hold the picture in my mind- even when I squirm in my circumstances, that's exactly where I need to be. . .in God's living room.

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