Monday, April 23, 2012

helper not controller

 I was working on a devotional for a bridal shower last week.
Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness (Psalm 37:3)
Trust in the Lord. . .(not people, circumstances, expectations, events)
 Last week a young man had a bicycle crash; he was jumping off something or other, had a concussion, ended up in the emergency room. . .
The following day he called me, "I told my wife that I won't jump off  that bridge again!" (good man, I thought.)
A few days later his wife sent me an email with a a brief explanation of the event. (eeek, the unknown is frightening, I thought.)
But mainly I thought how this wife responded to her husband as his helper (she took him to the emergency room) and not his controller (she didn't say, Never get on that mountain bike again!!)
So-when a woman marries, she has a claim on her husband--but she doesn't own him, God does. . .
Trust in the Lord and do good. . .


dre said...

mmmmm good food for thought.

I can't wait to see you! :)))

L M N said...

Well, she did tell him to please focus on being fast on his bike, and not to worry about the jumps.