Last month some of our children and grandchildren dropped in for visits from far off places.
Ahh- how I long for things to be perfect when they come- you know, perfect food, perfect sleeping arrangements, perfect weather, perfect conversation- and of course it's never perfect.
But south Texas is lovely in the spring and I'm simply grateful that from time to time they find their way back.
One evening over coffee and ice cream we played the compatibility game and the get to know you better game- someone tossed this one into the ring:
"If you were stranded on a desert island and could have
just 3 books of the Bible,which 3 would you choose?"
I've been walking this winding path with Jesus for at least 40 years, but a decade ago I began to drink deeply and cherish the Psalms- daily God feeds my soul through this rich book. I could write a weekly blog post reflecting on the Psalms- perhaps I will. . . .
Psalm 23 is on my mind today, one that's engraved in most of us since childhood- the rhythm is familiar and I almost miss the treasure-
. . . Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Surely (inevitably, without fail) God's goodness and mercy shall follow you. . . forever, all the way to the end, dear friend- and so I pray for you today.