Friday, October 11, 2013

All in a day. . .

My  sister, Beth, is a nephrology nurse. . . I love that word- nephrology, but to me her work is an amazing mystery My sister is compassionate and  incredibly skilled- she takes care of people with kidney disease.
 And this month she's retiring after doing her good work for 30 years in the same hospital.

Beth collects children's books, the kind that narrate an authentic story with beautiful words and illustrations.  So-I found a perfectly lovely picture book,  All in a Day, and sent it off  to her-
to celebrate retirement, to celebrate what's next. . .because a day is a perfect piece of time to live a life, to plant a seed. . .

Today I'm musing how my dear sister will fill her days with beauty in the garden and the kitchen, with care giving in new venues, with a cross country bicycle trip, perhaps
 And I'm really hoping she'll write a children's book of her own--an authentic story with beautiful words and pictures, a book that I will read to my day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written and how sweet a gift! A book is the best kind of gift in my humble opinion :) Good luck to your sis in days ahead...