And me? I need that reminder too- I distrust God sometimes. . . like Eve, who fell for the serpents lie, I conclude that God is withholding something from me, and so I willfully disobey his good commandments.
Last week I was reading from The Gospel Primer.
I remembered how the Gospel speaks to my mistrust of God and his good commandments.
Milton Vincent writes, "The Gospel helps me see the heart of the Person from whom the commandments come. . .if God loved me enough to sacrifice His Son's life for me, then He must be guided by that same love when He speaks His commandments to me."
So sweet grandson (and Soul), remember the Gospel, our Good King gives good rules-
How I needed this! Thank you!
I love this--the reminder, the way it is so simple that a child can understand, and the beautiful picture that you included. So gentle and so profound. Tears in my eyes!
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